আপনারা সবই আমাদের ওয়েবসাইট বুকমার্ক করবেন নতুন আপডেট পাওয়ার জন্য !

বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৬ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৭

Robi Internet Packages for Prepaid & Postpaid User

Robi Internet Packages for Prepaid & Postpaid User

Right now the list of Robi Internet Packages. 

VolumeValidityApplicableUSSD CodePriceAuto-Renew
7 MB1DayPrepaid/Postpaid*8444*4#2.44 BDTYes
20 MB1DayPrepaid/Postpaid*8444*202#2.44 BDTYes
20 MB1DayPrepaid/Postpaid*8444*203#2.44 BDTYes
20 MB1DayPrepaid/Postpaid*8444*0102#2.44 BDT
25 MB1DayPrepaidNoN/A
25 MB1DayPrepaid/Postpaid*8444*0101#1.22 BDTYes
40 MB1DayPrepaid/Postpaid*8444*04#4.87 BDTYes
40 MB1DayPrepaid/Postpaid*8444*06#4.87 BDTYes
40 MB1DayPrepaid/Postpaid*8444*140#4.87 BDTYes
45 MB1DayPrepaid/Postpaid*8444*21#12.18 BDTYes
45 MB1DayPrepaid*140*25*1#13.39 BDTNo
100 MB1DayPrepaid/Postpaid*8444*110#12.18 BDTYes
200 MB1DayPrepaid/Postpaid*123*200#9 BDTYes
1 GB1DayPrepaid/Postpaid*123*018#21.92 BDTNo
500 MB2 DaysPrepaid/Postpaid*123*50030#36.53 BDT
500 MB3 DaysPrepaid/Postpaid*123*500#25 BDTYes
500 MB3 DaysPrepaid/Postpaid*123*789*2#37.74 BDTNo
1 GB3 DaysPrepaid/Postpaid*8444*31990#23.13 BDTYes
2 GB3 DaysPrepaid/Postpaid*123*0239#35.31 BDTYes

Robi Combo Bundles, Robi Daily Package, Robi Internet Package, Robi Monthly Package, Robi Night Package, Robi postpaid internet package, Robi prepaid internet package, Robi Weekly Package

বুধবার, ১১ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৭

Check Your Own Robi, Airtel, GP, Banglalink, Teletalk, Citycell Mobile Number

Check Your Own Robi, Airtel, GP, Banglalink, Teletalk, Citycell Mobile Number


Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels (Bangladesh)

You may have the wonder that how you can check your own self mobile numbers as if you have lost SIM cards or you have many SIM cards thus by dialling from your self mobile numbers that you can retrieve which you do not need enough balance on the sim cards. 

In that reason, you may find these hidden USSD dialling code as a blessing. So, all you have to type the following code and press dial button which is free in-service right now. 

BD Mobile Number Check SMS and USSD code

Mobile Operator                         Check Own Mobile Number
Robi (018)                                 Dial *140*2*4#
Airtel (016)                                 Dial *121*7*3#
GrameenPhone (017)                      Dial *2# or *111*8*
Banglalink (019)                         Dial *511#
Teletalk (015)                                 Dial *551#

সোমবার, ৯ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৭

GP, Banglalink, Robi, Airtel, Teletalk Emergency Balance

Photo by ready made from Pexels
How you can get the emergency balance from Bangladeshi mobile operators?

Robi emergency / Jhotpot balance?
All Robi user can get 5 or up to 100tk as an advanced.

To register in jhotpot balance dial *8811*1# or write START and send it to 8811
To check status Dial *8811*1*1*3# (Free of cost) or Type “STATUS” send SMS to 8811
To check balance dial *222*16#
To cancel registration dial *8811*1*1*2# or type STOP and send SMS to 8811

GrameenPhone emergency balance?
All GP prepaid user can be able to get up to 100tk as advanced balance.

To activate: Dial *1010*1# to collect 5 BDT in your balance.
Check remaining emergency balance: Dial *566*28#
Emergency Balance has a validity period of 30 Days.
Note :
– You can use this balance for voice calls and SMS as well.
– The customer can get the further emergency balance after paying the past due.
– VAT applicable

Emergency balance for Airtel subscriber?
Now airtel user can get talk-time and internet emergency balance anytime, anywhere!

To get advanced balance dial *141*10# or dial 20141
Note: You may be charged extra on your next balance recharge.

Emergency balance for Banglalink subscriber?
Every Banglalink user can get 10tk as an emergency balance. But the priyojon & platinum user can get up to 100tk.

To get advanced balance simply dial *874#
Emergency Balance for Teletalk subscriber?
To avail the Emergency Balance, customers need to dial *1122# or SMS YES to 1122.
Or Send SMS 50 to get 50 Taka, 30 to get 30 Taka, 20 to get 20 Taka or 10 to get 10 Taka to 1122.
Check the Emergency Balance status by dialling *1122# or SMS STATUS to 1122.

রবিবার, ১ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৭

How to Remove Date from Blogger URL Step by Step

How to Remove Date from Blogger URL Step by Step
Step 1 :
Log in to your Blogger Dashboard.
Step 2 :
Go to the Theme Section and click the Edit HTML option.
Step 3 :
Find the Heading Tag ‘<head>’
Step 4 :
Paste the given code just below the <head> Tag.
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After pasting the code click on Save Theme and you are done.

That's all you need to do.